Cheap and Easy DIY Onewheel Handle

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Using the built-in front grip on a Onewheel for carrying, especially for long distances, is best suited for individuals with immense grip strength and Popeye-like forearms. For most regular users, opting for a side grip is the more practical choice.

When carrying your Onewheel, whether using the built-in front grip or a custom side handle, it’s advisable to have the fender facing toward you (assuming you have a fender). This orientation prevents your pants from coming into contact with the dirty tire.

There are several handle options available for Onewheel users, and here are three worth considering:

1. Handles by ($49.99): CraftandRide offers a popular Onewheel handle known for its low profile and metal bar for added strength. While it’s a quality option, the price may deter some buyers.

2. Polaris 2858185 Grab Handle on Amazon ($20-$30): This handle has gained popularity in the Onewheel community and utilizes Velcro for attachment. However, it lacks the metal bar found in the CraftandRide handle, and its price can fluctuate depending on supply and demand.

3. 4 Pack Roll Bar Grab Handle on Amazon ($14.99): This option, chosen by the author, offers a cost-effective solution at less than $4 per handle. While it may not match the premium quality of a $50 handle, it provides a functional carrying solution.

The handles can be attached to your Onewheel, and you can watch a video demonstration to see how to set up the straps for use.

Keep reading our FULL article here.