I am compiling a list of some Onewheel related Black Friday Deals. Check back often as this list will be updated through Cyber Monday. Got a tip on a deal? Share it in the comments below.
(Please consider making purchases through my affiliate links that help to support my website and YouTube Channel at no additional cost to you.)
11/27/2020: Amazon has some deals on wrist guards and helmets.
11/26/2020: Onewheel XR is $175 off like the last few years. Onewheel Pint is $75 off like last year. If you need the stuff they are bundling, there are more potential savings for Future Motion gear.

11/25/2020: Jimmy Chang Merch? Here’s a code for 20% off which expires 12/1/2020 to get some PEV inspired merchandise my daughter and I designed at Teespring: END2020

11/16/2020: Need a fender!? This is the time to get one at Craft&Ride with up to 50% off! Check it out at Craft&Ride!

- Craft&Ride Black Friday Sales with up to 50% off fenders! Check it out at Craft&Ride.
- ONEWHEEL XR (Future Motion): For the past two years the Onewheel XR has been discounted $175 off. Even though the XR is a year older, I expect the discount to be the same since demand for the 3 year old tech is still high and there is no competition or replacement model in sight.
- ONEWHEEL PINT (FUTURE MOTION): The Pint was discounted $75 off last year and expect the same for this year given the high demand for the device as it enters its second Black Friday.
- Accessories on the official Onewheel site were discounted 15% off. While the bundled deals are what Future Motion is really pushing, I recommend staying away from bundled deals unless I really need all the crap they are throwing in.
- SUPrents: if you’re going to buy a Onewheel, support a the little guys and your local dealers. You can get a pretty good discount on a used Onewheel at SUPrents if they have any left. Below are some SUPrent codes to try:
- Use code FAMILYTIME2 at checkout to receive the additional $25 off 2 boards.
- • Use code FAMILYTIME3 at checkout to receive $50 off 3 boards.
- • Use code FAMILYTIME4 at checkout to receive $75 off 4 boards.
If it’s September, October or November and you’re looking to buy a Onewheel, I would recommend holding off for a little bit if you like saving money. If there is anything to be learned from recent history, it’s that Future Motion, the makers of the Onewheel rarely run sales on their one wheeled devices however they have consistently discounted their Onewheels for Black Friday.
How much of a discount will there be on the different Onewheels this year? I’m not privy to that information, but I do have information on what has been done on past Black Fridays which we can learn a lot from.
While past performance is no guarantee of future results, I’m still going to look into the Past to try to predict what Future Motion is going to do in the future.
Prediction #1
My first prediction is not going to be a bold one, I’m not really sticking my neck out there when I say this: The Onewheel XR will see a discount for Black Friday!
How can I say this with such confidence? Future Motion has discounted their flagship Onewheel on Black Friday since 2016.
In 2016 the V1 retailed for $1499 and for Black Friday it was on sale for $1299, a discount of $200.
In 2017 Future Motion discounted their Flagship Onewheel Plus from $1499 to $1374, a discount of $125.

In 2018 and 2019 Future Motion continued the tradition and discounted their Flagship Onewheel XR from $1799 to $1624, a discount of $175.
The older Onewheel Plus which was still for sale, went from $1499 to $1249, a discount of $250. Of course looking back, they were probably clearing inventory in preparation for the Pint.
What will Future Motion do this year? I’m not going to predict numbers for you, but armed with this information, you can come up with your own numbers. But I can say with confidence that the Onewheel XR will see a discount of at least $175.
So if you are thinking about buying a Onewheel right now, either new or used, and you feel you can wait till Black Friday, then I’d wait till Future Motion makes their yearly Black Friday deal announcement.
Prediction #2
The newest model Onewheel, the Onewheel Pint, will see a discount or some sort of promotion for Black Friday. Last year it was $75 off and I expect it will be the same this time around.
Quick tip:
Don’t fall for the advertised deals that will wow you with big discounts like $375 off a Onewheel XR. Look at the fine print and you’ll find the “up to $375 off” and to get that big of a discount you’ll have to bundle your Onewheel purchase often with items you don’t really need or could get for less from third party vendors.
Here’s an example from 2019:

And this is from 2018. Beware the “up to” trick:

After Halloween passes and the kids have recovered from their sugar high induced craziness, and the world settles back into normalcy (as normal as things can be in our new COVID world), Christmas songs start playing on the radio.
Now that we are past Halloween, we can prepare for the next big holiday frenzy to celebrate and participate in gluttony and excess… Black Friday… the biggest shopping day of the year.
Black Friday marks the unofficial start to the Christmas season and many stores and vendors kick it off with some big sales.
I love Black Friday and Cyber Monday because if you know where to look, you can score some amazing deals. I love a great deal; I always have and I’m sure a lot of you do too.
I have an email from Onewheel saying there IS a Black Friday deal on the XR this year if that helps. No amount
How did you get the email? How long ago was it?
I will watch for the 2019 discounts, as after having my pint for a month I feel like I need another one for friends or family to ride with me. And since I already have a Pint for travel it would be nice to have an XR for longer rides.
Hi. Thanks for the article. I have a pint and I would like to get an XR. It would be great if they could drop a couple hundred dollars on the board. I love your YouTube content. Thanks for making the site oneRADwheel. It always informs me on awesome electric vehicles. Thanks for everything.
Thanks so much! Was searching for this very thing. 🙂 Lookin to buy a Pint, my first OneWheel ever. You said not to buy a bundle but don’t I need the fender and ultra charger? Which 3rdparty vendor should I go to? Sorry if you already have articles on this, I’m new to your website. I might find it in the next few minutes.
Really appreciate the shared info!
Get a fender from Craft&Ride. I’m giving one away in my latest YouTube vid. Check it out.
Hey Jimmy don’t leave out the Float life they have a huge sale going on too. https://thefloatlife.com/