Why Onewheel Group Rides are Awesome!

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Riding a Onewheel becomes even more exhilarating when you’re part of a group ride. The author shares their experience with the Denver/Rocky Mountain Onewheel Mob Facebook Group, highlighting the joys and advantages of group riding. They emphasize that group rides are an opportunity to connect with fellow Onewheel enthusiasts who share the same passion.

The article explores the merits of solo riding, including setting your own pace and enjoying moments of solitude. It draws parallels between individual practice and group engagement, noting that group activities can foster a sense of belonging and shared accomplishment.

Benefits of group rides, such as meeting like-minded people, discovering new routes, improving skills, and being part of a thriving community, are outlined. The author encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones and join a group ride, regardless of their experience level.

The article concludes by suggesting ways to find or create local Onewheel groups, emphasizing the value of learning from and supporting one another in the Onewheel community. The author shares their positive experience with the Denver/Rocky Mountain Onewheel Mob and looks forward to future group rides.

Keep reading our FULL article here.