Am I Too Old for the Onewheel?

We’ve moved! Check out our FULL article here. Summary below.

I often receive messages from those who have found my content helpful when considering a Onewheel purchase, especially from older individuals who appreciate my insights. Being over 40 and riding a Onewheel, I’ve pondered whether I’m too old for this “kid’s toy.”

I draw inspiration from basketball, where legends like Kareem Abdul Jabbar continued playing at a high level into their 40s. Despite being labeled “too old,” their productivity persisted. I play basketball weekly, embracing the role of an older player who still enjoys the game. My quickness may have faded, but the passion endures.

This parable applies to the Onewheel community. Age should not deter anyone from trying it. Some dub the Onewheel a midlife crisis toy, but the joy it brings makes it worth it. It’s a source of youthful exuberance, and it’s not too late to start. Many riders are in their 40s, 50s, and even 60s, exploring new horizons.

Eleanor Roosevelt’s wisdom resonates: “Today is the oldest you’ve ever been, and the youngest you’ll ever be again.” Age should not be a barrier; I plan to ride my Onewheel for years to come, even if I need safety gear and some humor about aging.

What are your thoughts on growing old? If you’re a younger Onewheeler, how do you feel about older riders joining the community? For older riders, how has the Onewheel changed your life? Share your insights in the comments. Check my safety gear article for equipment recommendations, minus adult diapers.

Keep reading our FULL article here.

5 thoughts on “Am I Too Old for the Onewheel?

  1. Hey Jimmy,

    Just got introduced to your blog and youtube channel and I love what you’re doing for the Onewheel community. However, I would just like to make a suggestion for one of your later blog posts or videos: How do you bring your Onewheel into a public place like a store, restaurant, library, etc. I have found that it is quite tricky and awkward to maneuver this large, heavy, and bulky object through public places. Any thoughts?

    1. Great question and great idea for a video. I use it for commuting quite frequently. I usually keep it near me at the library, restaurant, store, or school but each situation is different. If I trust the place and they are cool, I will leave it charging behind the counter at the front desk. I will put it in a shopping cart and push it around at stores. On trains and public transportation I just keep it propped up between my legs. I’ve never had any problems. Keep watching my videos for more!

  2. First off, love your website and your YouTube channel. I haven’t yet purchased a Onewheel but I will be doing so within the next week or two (was just waiting until after CES in case FM released a new model).

    I’ve been a surfer and skateboarder since my early teens, and the OW seems like the perfect way to stay stoked during our long summer flat spells here on the Texas Gulf Coast.

    I’ve never let my age (I turned 48 last month) get in the way of enjoying the water or the local skatepark. In fact, I feel that my surfing has improved in the last few years because I lost quite a bit of weight. That weight loss, combined with a lifetime worth of water knowledge, has made surfing/skating more enjoyable than ever. No, I’m not going to be busting airs like I did in my teens and 20s but my surfing/skating is now all about flow and power, and I couldn’t be more stoked when I leave the water.

    People feel old because they stop moving. Never stop moving and learning.

  3. I’ll be 60 in March and and really want a OW for my birthday but have concerns about the stories I hear people tell about terrible falls. I’ve been an inline skate for almost 30 years so I’m very athletic and coordinated but have never been on a skateboard, snowboard or anything similar in my life. I also ride a motorcycle so I love things that are thrilling and make your pulse rush.
    I only wish there was someplace to try a OW in Georgia before purchasing one just to get the feel and see if it’s for me.

    1. Check out my article about how you can try the Onewheel before you buy it! Wrote it just for you!

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