Fangs 2.0 Bumper Wheels Review for the Onewheel

We’ve moved! Check out our FULL article here. Summary below.

Fangs, small wheels attached to a Onewheel’s front bumper, are often misconstrued as devices preventing nosedives. In reality, they don’t avert nosedives but offer a crucial advantage by reducing abrupt stops when the nose touches the ground. This precious extra time allows riders to recognize, react, and potentially recover from a nosedive or prepare for a safer fall.

The Onewheel’s design, with its central wheel, presents both advantages and disadvantages. Nosedives, one of the most feared fall types, have three primary causes: riding habits/conditions, low battery, and equipment failure. While riders can mitigate the first two causes, equipment failure remains unavoidable.

A motorized device with three or four wheels will naturally coast to a stop if its motor fails. However, the Onewheel, with just one wheel, behaves more like a powerless helicopter in the sky. If the motor fails or the battery depletes, it cannot maintain level flight, resulting in an abrupt nose dive and a rider being thrown to the ground, especially at high speeds.

Fangs, while interpreted differently by users, should not be viewed as training wheels. They serve as a safety feature, decreasing the risk of severe injury by providing extra seconds for recovery or prepared falling. They are akin to airbags—won’t prevent crashes but could offer vital seconds for response.

Fangs’ installation is straightforward. To test them, some riders purposefully push their Onewheels to limits, but this approach carries risks and may not align with their riding styles. The author is seeking a safe way to evaluate Fangs and intends to try them on steep hills and for aggressive acceleration. Fangs have already proven beneficial for curb nudges and saving the rider from falls during tight turns.

As the weather turns colder and the days shorter, Onewheel usage may decline, but the author plans to continue testing Fangs. A more detailed review will follow as they gain additional experience.

For more information on Fangs, visit their website.

Keep reading our FULL article here.

3 thoughts on “Fangs 2.0 Bumper Wheels Review for the Onewheel

  1. Hi there,
    Lots of interesting material on your page! I am very new to all of this, so new I have yet to order my Onewheel, I have been traveling and coming home to Colorado, I will get one next week! Anyway, a few questions:
    I was thinking to get the fangs or and get the kit …. Your thoughts well appreciated … Not too worried about carrying it for now, but if I was going to get the gliders vs the fangs, then I would grab the kit …. However, now, a more important question arises; I do travel a lot, and was definitely thinking of taking it with me when changing continent for a few months every year and bring it to different destinations …. So, thinking; if I wanted to the onewheel+RX, is there anyway to get the stickers of the onewheel+ for the battery specifications and slap it on, you say it is on the inside of the frame … I am trying to be creative here, or the other question would be, how far are we from the idea of the solar hat “Mexican sombrero” in that case … that Onewheel shows in one of their videos, or a battery charger as an external battery that is plugged in while you ride, etc……. I certainly don’t want to buy both onewheels right now, that would be a bit over, I won’t travel with the board, normally till April
    Did not see the link to the material to print for the airline travels!?
    Your thoughts, well appreciated!
    Thank you!

    1. Thanks for reading. There is a Black Friday Sale on Onewheels right now. Check it out. The Plus can go on flights. The XR cannot due to safety reasons. Best to stick to the rules for safety.

    2. I would get Fangs. The Glider components are not very durable in my opinion.

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