Is the Onewheel GT Ghosting Problem Real or Overblown?

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Onewheel Ghosting is a concerning phenomenon where a Onewheel continues to self-balance and move forward after the rider has dismounted. The Onewheel system fails to recognize the rider’s absence, causing the board to proceed, often at high speeds exceeding 20 miles per hour, potentially resulting in property damage, pedestrian injuries, or even traffic accidents.

This issue has been particularly prominent with the new Onewheel GT model, eliciting numerous complaints. While some argue that it might be an isolated problem affecting only a few boards, the acceptable rate of Onewheel ghosting incidents remains uncertain.

Several instances of Onewheel ghosting have been documented through videos and posts on various social media platforms, indicating that this problem is not isolated. The lack of response from Future Motion, the manufacturer, has raised concerns, and they have seemingly attempted to remove mentions of ghosting from their social media.

Many riders have shared their experiences with ghosting through videos, written posts, and discussions on different social media channels. This issue has sparked fear and prompted some riders to return their Onewheel GT models.

As an update, Onewheel ghosting appears to have affected the new Onewheel Pint X model as well, further highlighting the urgency of addressing this problem. While the issue is serious, there are also instances of ghosting that are more humorous than concerning.

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