Jimmy Chang’s Favorite Onewheel Pint Accessories

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Here are some top accessories for the Onewheel Pint:

  1. Land Surf Onewheel Pint XR Charge Adapter: If you own an XR charger, this handy adapter lets you charge your Pint at double the speed. Carry just one charger and this adapter for both your Pint and XR. Be cautious of its length to prevent damage to the charge port. It’s a cost-effective alternative to Future Motion’s fast charger. Find it at Land Surf.
  2. Float Life Nug Foot Pad: The Nug foot pad enhances the Pint’s ride with a material and design that seamlessly complements the board’s lines. Its subtle changes in angles provide extra comfort and control. Discover more in the full review.
  3. SuperOW Backpack for the Pint: Craft&Ride’s backpack stands out as a comfortable and high-quality option for Pint owners. It allows you to wear your Pint like a backpack, distributing the weight evenly and enhancing convenience. Explore it here.

This list is a work in progress. If you have a favorite Pint accessory, feel free to share it in the comments. If you create Pint accessories and want a review, send them to Jimmy Chang at the provided address.

Keep reading our FULL article here.