Kush Concave Pad Versus Cobra Grip Pad Onewheel Review

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Joon Kim, an active member of the Onewheel community and an avid long-distance rider, recently reviewed the Kush Pad and compared it to the Cobra Pad. Joon, who often rides extensive ultramarathon-type journeys, typically uses the Cobra Pad. However, he decided to try the Kush Pad, specifically assessing its performance during a 53-mile ride.

Initially, Joon was uncertain about the Kush Pad, but after a few miles, he appreciated its excellent grip and impact absorption. Although the Kush Pad has a smaller rear lip compared to the Cobra, it still performed well, even during off-road riding. Joon noted that the Kush Pad is not exceptionally soft but effectively absorbs impact due to its slight concavity.

Joon ultimately preferred the Cobra Pad because of its rear lip, which offers comfort when facing pushback. He suggested that a combination of the Kush Pad in the front and the Cobra Pad in the rear could be ideal for some riders if the sensors allow it. Joon concluded that those who dislike the Cobra Pad’s aggressiveness may find the Kush Pad more suitable. He also recommended the Kush Pad for riders with an Onetail Plus or Classic and emphasized its advantages for carving and control, especially on trails and rough terrain.

Keep reading our FULL article here.

1 thought on “Kush Concave Pad Versus Cobra Grip Pad Onewheel Review

  1. Thanks for the review,
    It solidates the fact that I definitely need to get one.
    I was on Float-supply for the release, too bad there was no option for international shipping. I will get one eventually, somehow!?

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