New Onewheel App Update (late 2020)

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The Onewheel app sets the standard for personal electric vehicle (PEV) apps, with consistent updates and improvements by Future Motion. The 2020 update introduces several key features:

  1. User-Centric Model: The app now links to the rider rather than a specific board, allowing users to earn miles and achievements across different boards.
  2. Achievement Badges: Users can earn badges for meeting specific goals and milestones.
  3. Board Offline: Even with the Onewheel powered off, the app continues to log the latest stats when open.
  4. Autoconnect: Users can select a preferred board for the app to automatically connect to.
  5. Charging Stations & Food: Riders can mark charging spots for others and share routes.

These updates enhance the user experience and underline the app’s significance in the PEV community.

Keep reading our FULL article here.