Onewheel After Dark: 10 Tips for Better Night Riding

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With the sun setting earlier, nighttime Onewheel riding can be a thrilling experience, offering fresh scenery and fewer crowds. However, safety is paramount when riding in the dark. To ensure a secure nighttime ride, here are ten essential tips:

1. **Turn on Your Lights:** Always use your Onewheel’s built-in lights for visibility.

2. **Wear Reflective Clothing:** Choose reflective clothing to make yourself visible to motorists. The 247 Viz Blaze – Reflective Vest 360 is highly recommended for its brightness and comfort.

3. **Ride on Well-Lit Paths:** Opt for well-lit paths when possible, especially if there are pedestrian and cycling lanes with lighting.

4. **Use an Extra Flashlight:** Carry a small flashlight to see further ahead, anticipate obstacles, and signal to motorists.

5. **Don’t Outrun Your Lights:** Onewheel’s stock lights have a limited reach, so invest in a flashlight to increase your field of vision.

6. **Let Someone Know Your Plans:** Inform someone about your ride location and expected return time for safety.

7. **Wear Safety Glasses:** Protect your eyes from bugs by wearing safety glasses while riding in bug-prone areas.

8. **Take Your Cell Phone:** Bring your cell phone to ensure you can check battery life, use the GPS, and make emergency calls if needed.

9. **Stay Aware of Your Surroundings:** Always assume motorists can’t see you and remain vigilant about traffic. Be cautious when crossing busy streets.

10. **Go with a Friend:** Riding with a friend enhances the experience and safety. You can consider finding a used Onewheel or joining local Onewheel groups for group rides.

By following these tips, you can enjoy the exhilaration of nighttime Onewheel riding safely.

Keep reading our FULL article here.