Onewheel Race for the Rail 2020 Big Upset!

We’ve moved! Check out our FULL article here. Summary below.

In the 2020 Race for the Rail, the winner was Wild Card Racer Brenden, known as “@floaty_mcfly,” who achieved victory in this Onewheel competition. The event consisted of Team Skyline and Delirium competing in three team challenges, with Brenden emerging as the champion.

This annual competition, hosted by Future Motion, aimed to find the world’s greatest Onewheel rider, though the 2020 edition had a different format due to COVID-19. The majority of riders were selected and invited by Future Motion, with three spots open for the general public to compete for via Instagram submissions.

The competition featured a diverse group of riders, men and women of all ages. The location remained top secret, taking place in Utah, and due to COVID-19 restrictions, no physical spectators were allowed at the event. However, the races were live-streamed on YouTube Live.

While there was uncertainty regarding the event’s status due to the pandemic, the winners received prizes as part of the competition. The Race for the Rail is known for its unexpected twists and turns, and it continued to be a thrilling event in 2020.

Keep reading our FULL article here.

4 thoughts on “Onewheel Race for the Rail 2020 Big Upset!

  1. @WheelFunStuff (Kyle Hensen) and the two McFlys got my votes. Slydog, I feel, should have had an automatic entry just because of his influence. Also, I very much agree that FM should pay for the contender’s travel and hotel. I really all come down to how well they are marketing this event. Are they just trying to hype up the crowd or have they taken efforts to try to reach those that may not know of the OW yet? How they handle these first few years, will dictate if FM begins to increase the prizes and support of the racers.

  2. TO: One Wheel employees
    From: Prospective XR Purchaser

    Where does most of the US population reside that has income that is disposable enough to afford a One Wheel? Answer: In states where Winter precludes them from riding often. People just arent thinking of outdoor activities around xmas time (unless they ski/board).

    When would be the best time to hold a sales event?
    Answer: THE SUMMERTIME!!!!

    YES people loosen up their pockets a bit around xmas, but not alot of people are buying one wheels for people for a present as that’s just a bit too much to spend on one person right?. I’m sure you believe it to be a large amount and every year it is probably more, but most purchases I would imagine are people that want it for themselves. Hold a spring/summer event and watch your profits soar!!

    I own a pint and want the XR. But I can never bring myself to pay full price.

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