The 3 Best Onewheel Stands Not Made for a Onewheel

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A proper stand is an essential accessory for Onewheel owners, as it serves multiple purposes. It prevents the tire from touching the floor, keeping your floors clean. By keeping the board upright, it reduces its footprint, saving space. Additionally, it discourages people from tampering with your Onewheel.

The official Onewheel Wave stand is a quality product made from laminated maple wood, offering a natural and minimalist look. However, its drawback is its high price, at $95.

Here are the top three alternative Onewheel stand options:

1. **Hercules GS302B Travlite Compact Electric Guitar Stand:** A robust and sturdy steel stand that folds down for travel. Highly recommended for its reliability and durability.

2. **Aroma Aluminum Floor Guitar Stand AGS8:** This modern-looking stand is popular among Onewheel enthusiasts. While some users report it as flimsy and not suitable for the Onewheel’s weight, others find it working well.

3. **Home Depot or Lowes Bucket:** An inexpensive yet practical option. These 5-gallon buckets, available for under $5, prevent dirt and mud from reaching your floor. However, they may put stress on the wheel and fender, potentially weakening the fender over time. Some Onewheel owners have creatively repurposed items like milk crates for this purpose.

Consider these alternatives to the official Onewheel Wave stand based on your budget and preferences.

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