The Onewheel Pint Review by Jeff McCosker of the Float Life

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Jeff McCosker, the founder of The Float Life, known for innovative Onewheel accessories and an Onewheel Pro, initially disliked the Onewheel Pint. He found issues like aggressive pushback at 15mph, half the XR’s range, slow charge times, and small footpads. It seemed like a downgrade from the XR.

However, Jeff’s perspective changed with time. He realized that transitioning from XR to Pint felt awkward, just as his initial XR experience was. He had faith that Future Motion (FM) would improve the Pint through firmware updates and additional ride modes.

Jeff now endorses the Pint as a fantastic entry-level board, especially at $950, a no-brainer addition to anyone’s collection. He changed his riding style, cruising at <15mph on sidewalks, enjoying carving and fun little jibs. He likens the Pint vs. XR comparison to snowboards, with both designed for different styles of riding.

The XR is like a versatile all-mountain snowboard, while the Pint is like a park board. Jeff started falling in love with the Pint when he viewed it this way.

He commends FM’s engineering team for the Pint’s success and looks forward to their next project. Jeff encourages everyone to experience the Pint and sign off with “Float on, my friends.”

For more about Jeff and his company, visit The Float Life’s website. You can also learn more about Jeff in a podcast interview.

Keep reading our FULL article here.